张宏亮 博士/教授/博士生导师

2008-2012 Texas A&M University市政工程系,获环境工程博士学位
2006-2008 清华大学热能工程系,获热能工程硕士学位
2002-2006 清华大学环境科学与工程系,获环境工程学士学位
2019-至今 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,教授
2014-2019 美国路易斯安那州立大学 土木与环境工程系,助理教授
2012-2014 美国加州大学戴维斯分校 土木与环境工程系,博士后
- 运用源解析的气象与化学耦合的三维空气质量模型模拟颗粒物在大气中的化学和物理过程,从而研究污染物与气象和气候的相互关系。
- 开发与完善区域和全球空气质量模型,了解不同类型污染物在大气中的生成、传输和沉降等过程以及它们对生态环境、人体健康等的影响。
- 运用可反应示踪物技术,通过扩展大气化学机理和气溶胶过程,对大气中的气相污染物和颗粒物进行源解析,为污染控制提供决策建议。
- 通过长时间高精度的模拟,为流行病学提供基础数据,分析污染物与人体健康的相关性。
- 城市环境气溶胶的测量与特征分析。
- 国际期刊审稿人Nature Communications, National Science Review, Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics等
- 杂志编辑Current Pollution Report
- 客座编辑 Environmental Pollution, Environmental Research, Resource, conversion and recycling及Chemosphere
- 学术会议组织及主持 美国气溶胶研究协会,美国地球物理协会,亚洲大洋洲地球物理协会等
代表性论文 (共77篇,#通讯作者,下划线为指导学生、博士后或访问学者)
1. Pengfei Wang, Hao Guo, Jianlin Hu#, Sri Kota, Qi Ying, Hongliang Zhang#. 2019. Responses of PM2.5 and O3 concentrations to changes of meteorology and emissions in China. Science of the Total Environment 662, 297-306.
2. Xue Qiao, Hao Guo, Ya Tang, Pengfei Wang, Wenye Deng, Xing Zhao, Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying#, Hongliang Zhang#. Local and regional contributions to fine particulate matter in the 18 cities of Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 19 (9), 5791-5803.
3. Hongliang Zhang#, Hao Guo, Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying#, Michael Kleeman. Modeling atmospheric age distribution of elemental carbon using a regional age-resolved particle representation framework. Environmental Science & Technology, accepted. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b05895.
4. Hao Guo, Sri Harsha Kota, Kaiyu Chen, Shovan Kumar Sahu, Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying, Yuan Wang, Hongliang Zhang#. 2018. Source contributions and potential reductions to health effects of particulate matter in India. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 15219-15229, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2018-483.
5. Hao Guo, Fenglin Han, Zimeng Wang, John Pardue, Hongliang Zhang#. 2018. Deposition of sulfur and nitrogen components in Louisiana in August, 2011. Science of the Total Environment, 636, 124–133.
6. Hao Guo, Sri Kota, Shovan Sahu, Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying, Aifang Gao, Hongliang Zhang#. 2017. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in North India using source-oriented air quality models. Environmental Pollution, 231, 426-436.
7. Jianlin Hu, Xun Li, Lin Huang, Qi Ying, Qiang Zhang, Bin Zhao, Shuxiao Wang, Hongliang Zhang#. Ensemble Predictions of Air Pollutants in China in 2013 for Health Effects Studies Using WRF/CMAQ Modeling System with Four Emission Inventories. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 13103-13118, 2017.
8. Jianlin Hu, Jianjun Chen, Qi Ying#, Hongliang Zhang#. 2016. One-Year Simulation of Ozone and Particulate Matter in China Using WRF/CMAQ Modeling System. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 16, 10333-10350.
9. Jianlin Hu, Li Wu, Bo Zheng, Qiang Zhang, Kebin He, Qing Chang, Xinghua Li, Fumo Yang, Qi Ying, Hongliang Zhang#. 2015. Source contributions and regional transport of primary particulate matter in China. Environmental Pollution, 207, 31-42.
10. Hongliang Zhang, Kento T. Magara-Gomez, Michael R. Olson, Tomoaki Okuda, Kenneth A. Walz, James J. Schauer, Michael J. Kleeman#. 2015. Atmospheric Impacts of Black Carbon Emissions Reductions through the Strategic Use of Biodiesel. Science of the Total Environment, 538, 412-422.
11. Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying, Yungang Wang, Hongliang Zhang#. 2015. Characterizing Multi-Pollutant Air Pollution in China: Comparison of Three Air Quality Indices. Environment International, 84, 17-25.
12. Hongliang Zhang, Yungang Wang#, Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying, Xiao-Ming Hu. 2015. Relationships between meteorological parameters and criteria air pollutants in three megacities in China. Environmental Research, 140, 242-254.
13. Yungang Wang, Qi Ying, Jianlin Hu#, Hongliang Zhang#. Spatial and Temporal Variation of Six Criteria Air Pollutants in 31 Provincial Capital Cities in China during 2013-2014. Environment International, 73, 413-422.
14. Jianlin Hu, Yungang Wang, Qi Ying, Hongliang Zhang#. 2014. Spatial and Temporal Variability of PM2.5 and PM10 over the North China Plain and the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment, 95, 598-609.
15. Hongliang Zhang, Steve P. DeNero, David K. Joe, Hsiang-He Lee, Shu-Hua Chen, John Michalakes, and Michael J. Kleeman#. 2014. Development of a Source Oriented version of the WRF/Chem Model and its Application to the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 485-503.
16. Hongliang Zhang, Jingyi Li, Qi Ying#, Birnur Buzcu Guven, Eduardo Olaguer. 2013. Source Apportionment of Formaldehyde during TexAQS 2006 using a Source-Oriented Chemical Transport Model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1525-1535.
17. Hongliang Zhang, Jingyi Li, Qi Ying#, Jian Zhen Yu, Dui Wu, Yuan Cheng, Kebin He, Jingkun Jiang. 2012. Source Apportionment of PM2.5 Nitrate and Sulfate in China using a Source-Oriented Chemical Transport Model. Atmospheric Environment, 62, 228-242.
18. Hongliang Zhang, Qi Ying#. 2011. Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Source Apportionment in Southeast Texas. Atmospheric Environment, 45(19), 3217-3227.
19. Hongliang Zhang, Qi Ying#. 2011. Contributions of Local and Regional Sources of NOx to Ozone Concentrations in Southeast Texas. Atmospheric Environment, 45(17), 2877-2887.
20. Hongliang Zhang, Qi Ying#. 2010. Source Apportionment of Airborne Particulate Matter in Southeast Texas using a Source-Oriented 3D Air Quality Model. Atmospheric Environment, 44(29), 3547-3557.