宋卫华 教授/博导







2011年1月 - 至今 复旦大学环境科学与工程系研究员

2010年1月 - 2010年12月 美国 University of California, Irvine, Research Specialist

2007年1月 - 2009年12月 美国 University of California, Irvine, Postdoctoral Associate

2002年8月 - 2006年12月 美国Florida International University, 博士

1999年9月 - 2002年7月 南京大学环境学院 硕士

1995年9月 - 1999年7月 南京大学环境学院 学士





                                                   图1 超声辐射技术降解微裹藻毒素的机理示意图(ES&T,39,6300)



                                                          图2 高级氧化技术降解反渗透浓缩液中的痕量药物类污染物(ES&T,45,3665)



                                                     图3 藻类毒素Cylindrospermopsin在水环境体系中的光化学转化过程 (ES&T, 46, 12608)


         Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal, 2012-


         Editorial Board of Journal of Waste Management, 2012-

        1.国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金:水环境自由基化学 2015-2017
        2.国家自然科学基金面上基金:抗生素类污染物在EfOM介质中的间接光化学转化机制研究 2014-2017
        3.国家自然科学基金青年基金:藻类毒素在水环境体系中的间接光降解过程的研究 2012-2014
        4.上海市“东方学者”特聘教授计划 2012-2015
        5.上海市浦江人才计划 2012-2014
        7.美国自然科学基金: Photochemical Fate of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in Simulated and Natural Surface Waters 2010-2013


         近年来共发表SCI论文50余篇,其中Environ. Sci. Technol.,Water Research两刊共20篇,SCI引用900余次。论文收录和引用情况请见:



1. Danny Zhang, Shuwen Yan, and Weihua Song*. Photochemically Induced Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) from Effluent Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 12645-12653.

2. Shuwen Yan, Danny Zhang, and Weihua Song*. Mechanistic considerations of photosensitized transformation of microcystin-LR (cyanobacterial toxin) in aqueous environments. Environmental Pollution 2014, 193, 111-118.

3. Shuwen Yan and Weihua Song*. Photo-transformation of pharmaceutically active compounds in the aqueous environment: A review. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts 2014, 16, 697-720. (Invited Review)

4. Wenli Yang, Sihem Ben Abdelmelek, Zheng Zheng*, Taicheng An, Danny Zhang, and Weihua Song*. Photochemical transformation of terbutaline (pharmaceutical) in simulated nature waters: kinetics studies and degradation mechanisms. Water Research 2013, 47, 6558-6565.

5. Hui Yu, Er Nie, Jun Xu, Shuwen Yan, William J. Cooper, and Weihua Song*. Free-radical-induced Oxidative and Reductive Degradation of Diclofenac: Kinetic Studies, Degradation Pathways and Toxicity Assessments. Water Research 2013, 47, 1909-1918.

6. Weihua Song*, Shuwen Yan, William J. Cooper, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, and Kevin E. O’Shea*. Hydroxyl Radical Oxidation of Cylindrospermopsin (Cyanobacteria Toxin) and its Role in the Photochemical Transformation. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46, 12608-12615.  

7. Xingzhang Luo*, Zheng Zheng, John Greaves, William J. Cooper, and Weihua Song*. Trimethoprim: Kinetic and Mechanistic Considerations in Photochemical Environmental Fate and AOP Treatment. Water Research 2012, 46, 1327-1336.

8. Sihem Ben Abdelmelek, John Greaves, Kenneth P. Ishida, William J. Cooper, and Weihua Song*. Removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products from reverse osmosis retentate using advanced oxidation processes. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 3665-3671.

9. Haomin Xu, William J. Cooper, Jinyoung Jung, and Weihua Song*. Photosensitized degradation of amoxicillin in natural organic matter isolate solutions. Water Research 2011, 45, 632-638.

10. Joonseon Jeong, William J. Cooper, Jinyoung Jung*, and Weihua Song*. Degradation mechanisms and kinetic studies for the treatment of X-ray contrast media compounds by advanced oxidation/reduction processes. Water Research 2010, 44, 4391-4398.