
周斌 博士/教授/博士生导师
2010年2月- 现在; 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,教授
2004年2月-2010年2月; 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,副教授
2002年7月-2004年2月; 复旦大学环境科学与工程系,讲师
1997年9月-2002年7月; 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,研究生
- 国家重点研发计划--大气污染成因与控制技术研究项目“大气污染多平台一体化监测技术”(2016-2020),首席科学家;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“天然和人为排放VOCs氧化过程关键因子及其对大气光化学过程影响研究”(2020-2023),主持;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于主被动遥感方法探测大气污染物有效混合高度及其对大气复合污染的影响”(2018-2021),主持;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“地面高臭氧污染成因及乙二醛和亚硝酸在臭氧形成过程中的化学行为研究”(2015-2018),主持;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“NO3和NH3在PM2.5形成过程中化学行为研究”(2013-2016),主持;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“气溶胶对夜间大气化学过程和NOx清除效率影响研究”(2010-2012),主持;
- 国家气象行业专项研究“多谱段多模态高光谱大气成分反演方法研究”(2011-2013),主持;
- 国家“863”项目子课题“污染空间分布算法及软件”(2010-2012),主持;
- 国家“863”资源与环境领域研究课题“基于自然光源的被动差分光学吸收光谱仪的研究”(2007-2009),主持;
- 国家科技支撑计划“科学仪器设备研制与开发”项目“环境检测专用仪器产业化示范”课题;(2007-2010),课题负责人;
- 上海市浦东新区环境监测站合作项目“浦东新区臭氧浓度时空分布特征及影响因素研究”(2018-2019),项目负责人
- 上海市浦东新区环境监测站合作项目“浦东新区大气中氨的时空分布及其对城市细颗粒物污染的影响”(2017),项目负责人
- 上海市环境监测中心合作项目“上海石化及金山二工区在线数据挖掘及超标报警分析”(2018),项目负责人
- 上海市环境监测中心合作项目“上海石化及金山二工区在线数据挖掘及超标报警分析”(2017),项目负责人
- 上海市环境监测中心合作项目“上海石化及金山二工区在线数据挖掘及超标报警分析”(2016),项目负责人
- 上海市环保局环项目“上海市臭氧污染特征与预警预报研究”(2014-2015),项目负责人
- 上海市科学技术委员会项目“中心城区地下快速路建设关键技术研究”(2012-2014),项目负责人
- 上海市环保局环项目“上海市氨排放现状调查及对大气复合污染形成机制研究”(2013-2014),项目负责人
- 上海市环保局环项目“上海市大气污染物协同减排、空气质量改善技术与控制”(2013-2014),课题负责人
- 上海市环保局环项目“上海市大气有机气溶胶化学组分来源及控制对策研究”(2012-2013),项目负责人
- “Effects of cleaner ship fuels on air quality and implications for future policy A case study of Chongming Ecological Island in China”,Journal of Cleaner Production, 267 (2020) 122088
- “Influence of ship direct emission on HONO sources in channel environment”, Atmospheric Environment, 242 (2020) 117819
- “Observationally constrained modeling of atmospheric oxidation capacity and photochemical reactivity in Shanghai, China”, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 1217–1232, 2020
- “Spatio-temporal variations in NO2 and SO2 over Shanghai and Chongming Eco-Island measured by Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) during 2008-2017”,Journal of Cleaner Production, 258 (2020) 120563
- “Surveillance of SO2 and NO2 from ship emissions by MAX-DOAS measurements and the implications regarding fuel sulfur content compliance”,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13611–13626, 2019
- “Potential Effect of Halogens on Atmospheric Oxidation and Air Quality in China”,JGR Atmospheres,(2019)10.1029/2019JD032058
- “Application of temperature dependent ozone absorption cross-sections in total ozone retrieval at Kunming and Hohenpeissenberg stations”,Atmospheric Environment,215 (2019) 116890
- “Verification of satellite ozone/temperature profile products and ozone effective height/temperature over Kunming, China”,Science of the Total Environment,661 (2019) 35–47
- “Aerosol Optical Radiation Properties in Kunming (the Low–Latitude Plateau of China) and Their Relationship to the Monsoon Circulation Index”,Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2911; doi:10.3390/rs11242911
- “Aerosol vertical profile retrieved from ground-based MAX-DOAS observation and characteristic distribution during wintertime in Shanghai, China”,Atmospheric Environment,192 (2018) 193–205
- “OMI satellite observed formaldehyde column from 2006 to 2015 over Xishuangbanna, southwest China, and validation using ground based zenith-sky DOAS”,Science of the Total Environment,613–614 (2018) 168–175
- “Study on the daytime OH radical and implication for its relationship with fine particles over megacity of Shanghai, China”,Atmospheric Environment,154 (2017) 167-178
- “On the summertime air quality and related photochemical processes in the megacity Shanghai, China”,Science of the Total Environment 580 (2017) 974–983
- “Intense secondary aerosol formation due to strong atmospheric photochemical reactions in summer observations at a rural site in eastern Yangtze River Delta of China”,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMEN,571 (2016) 1454–1466
- “Eco-toxicological bioassay of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) with Photobacterium Phosphoreum T3”Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ,133(2016)226–234
- “Measurements of nitrous acid (HONO) in urban area of Shanghai, China”,Environ Sci. Pollut. Res,23:5818–5829 DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5797-4,2016
- “Strong atmospheric new particle formation in winter in urban Shanghai, China”,Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1769–1781, 2015
- “Atmospheric ammonia and its impacts on regional air quality over the megacity of Shanghai, China”,Scientific Reports (SCI) | 5:15842 | DOI: 10.1038/srep15842,2015
- “Investigation of Ground-Level Ozone and High-Pollution Episodes in a Megacity of Eastern China”,PLOS ONE (SCI) | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0131878,2015
- “Gas-phase ammonia and PM2.5 ammonium in a busy traffic area of Nanjing, China”,Environ Sci Pollut Res (SCI),DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5397-3,2015
- “Study on the Traffic Air Pollution inside and outside a Road Tunnel in Shanghai, China”,PLoS ONE (SCI) 9(11): e112195. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112195,2014
- “A study of aerosol optical properties during ozone pollution episodes in 2013 over Shanghai, China”,Atmospheric Research(SCI) 153 (2015) 235–249,2014
- “Urban atmospheric formaldehyde concentrations measured by a differential optical absorption spectroscopy method”,Environmental Science Processes & Impacts(SCI),DOI: 10.1039/c3em00545c,2014
- “Long-term observation of atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) and its implication to local NO2 levels in Shanghai, China”,Atmospheric Environment(SCI) 77 (2013) 718-724,2013
- “Aerosol optical properties during dust and biomass burning episodes retrieved from sun-photometer over Shanghai”,Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss, 6, 11011–11054, 2013doi:10.5194/amtd-6-11011,2013
- “Observation of NO3 radicals over Shanghai, China”,Atmospheric Environment(SCI),64 (2013) 401-409,2013
- “Chemical Composition of PM2.5 at an Urban Site of Chengdu in Southwestern Chinas”, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences(SCI),Vol. 30,No.4,1070-1084 2013
- “Characteristics and ship traffic source identification of air pollutants in China’s largest port”,Atmospheric Environment(SCI),64 (2013) ,277-286
- “Remote sensing of NO2 emission from the central urban area of Shanghai (China) using the mobile DOAS technique” JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH (SCI), VOL. 117, D13305, doi:10.1029/2011JD016983, 2012
- “Correlation between atmospheric O4 and H2O absorption in visible band and its implication to dust and haze events in Shanghai, China”,Atmospheric Environment(SCI), 62 (2012) 164-171
- “Tropospheric NO2 column densities deduced from zenith-sky DOAS measurements in Shanghai, China, and their application to satellite validation”,Atmos. Chem. Phys.. 9, 3641–3662, 2009;