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LAP3 holds Australia – China Cooperation Talks & Workshop on Advancements in Air Quality Science and Control

Australia-China Cooperation Talks & Workshop on Advancements in Air Quality Science and Control was held in Shanghai on June 27, 2014. It is co-organized by LAP3 and Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Prof. Xin YANG, Dean of the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering at Fudan University, and Prof. Lidia MORAWSKA, Director of the International Laboratory for Air Quality & Health at QUT, made the welcome remark for the Cooperation Talks. The attended VIPs included Ms. Jianqun YANG, Deputy Director of the Division of Key Laboratories and Infrastructure at Science & Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Mr. Fuhai GENG, Chief of the Pudong New Area Meteorological Bureau, and Mr. Zhong YANG, Deputy Director of the Division of Science & Technology at Fudan University. Prof. Jianmin CHEN, Director of LAP3, and Prof. Ian MACKINNON, Executive Dean of the Institute for Future Environments at QUT, introduced the scientific research on air quality in LAP3 and in QUT respectively. All the attendants expressed the intention of cooperation and proposed an Australia – China Center for advancements in air quality science & control (ACC). They had a detailed discussion on the program, focus, structure and sources of funding for the proposed ACC. A Letter of Intent for ACC was drafted and signed by Prof. Jianmin CHEN and Prof. Ian MACKINNON for and on behalf of LAP3 and QUT respectively.

The following research workshop was co-chaired by Prof. Jianmin CHEN, Prof. Lidia MORAWSKA and Prof. Ian MACKINNON. Scientific research highlights and achievements were presented by Prof. Lin WANG, Prof. Ying CHEN, Prof. Haidong KAN and Prof. Guodong SUI as the academic leaders of LAP3. Prof. Jialiang FENG from Shanghai University, Senior Engineer Qianbiao ZHAO from Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center, and Prof. Zoran RISTOVSKI and Prof. Congrong HE from QUT also gave the reports on their respective research interests. After the workshop, the attendants were arranged to tour to the laboratories of LAP3 in Fudan University.

The successful organization of this Cooperation Talks & Workshop is a milestone for the in-depth academic communication between LAP3 and QUT. The signed letter of intent has laid the foundation for the Australia-China Center for Advancements in Air Quality Science and Control.