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The 22nd Chinese Conference on Atmospheric Environmental Sciences & Technology held in Shanghai

The 22nd Chinese Conference on Atmospheric Environmental Sciences and Technology, also as the 2016 academic annual conference for the Atmospheric Environement sub-Society of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES), was held in Shanghai during October 20th – 22nd, 2016. The conference was hosted by the Atmospheric Environment sub-Society of CSES, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, and Fudan University. LAP3 and the department of environmental science & engineering Fudan Unvieristy organized the conference.

The conference aims to promote the development of atmospheric environmental science researches, to provide a platform for the convenient academic communications between researchers at home and abroad, and to explore solutions to the atmospheric pollutions in China. Focusing on the conference theme “Continuous Improvement of Air Quality: Science, Technology and Strategy”, a number of leading scientists from home and abroad gathered together, including 10 academicians. The conferences had 9 sub-venues, in which near a thousand experts and scholars shared their ideas and made warm discussions about 11 issues such as atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric physics and boundary layer, and health and ecological effects.

The opening ceremony was presided over by the chairman Prof. Fahe CHAI and the deputy chairman Prof. Jianmin CHEN of the Atmospheric Environment sub-Society of CSES. The deputy chairman Prof. Guanping REN of CSES, the deputy secretary Prof. Limin CHEN of Fudan University Party Committee, and the division chief Xue LI of the Atmosphere division of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of PR China delivered the important speeches in the ceremony. Keynote lectures on frontiers of atmospheric environmental sciences in China and globally were given respectively by Academician Wenxing WANG of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Academician Jiming HAO of CAE, Academician Guibin JIANG of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Academician Shaw-Chen LIU of Academia Sinica, Academician Yuanhang ZHANG of CAE, and Academician Li’an HOU of CAE. Professors from the Atmospheric Environement sub-Society of CSES, including Prof. Shaojia FAN, Prof. Mindong CHEN, Prof. Tijian WANG, Prof. Qingzhu ZHANG, Prof. Lizhong ZHU and Prof. Fan MENG, the deputy chairman Sunwoo YOUNG of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environmental Sciences, the deputy chairman Kazuichi HAYAKAWA of Japanese Society for Atmospheric Environmental Sciences, et. al. attended the conference.

  Prof. Fahe Chai, the chair of the atmospheric environment sub-society of CSES, presided over the conference

  Prof. Limin CHEN, the deputy secretary of CPC Fudan Unviersity Commitee, delivered the opening speech

Prof. Guanping REN, the deputy chairman of CSES, delivered the opening speech

   Xue LI, the chief of the Atmosphere division of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, delivered the opening speech

  group photo of the conference